If you're going to read this story, please know that it may be triggering to some viewers.
-self harm
Running down the spiral staircase with a bright smile on his face as he turns the corner and shouts, "Daddyy!"
Chris-"Hi bubba! Why aren't you in bed?"
Tyler-"I wanted to give you a hug before I went nini."
Chris-"Of course Bubba!" says Chris as he grabs Tyler into a tight hug
Tyler-"Can you tuck me in?"
Chris-"Not tonight son, I have to go to the store to get some breakfast"
Chris grabs his boots and jacket before walking outside
Chris-"Alright, it's past your bed time. Go back upstairs." then walks out the door.
After an hour, Tyler's mom, Kelly receives a phone call from 9-1-1
"Hello?....Yes, she's speaking....what?...no..this has to be a mistake...okay...okay...I'm on my way now."
Kelly-"Tyler, get your shoes on baby, we have to go."
Tyler-"Okay, is daddy coming too?"
Kelly-"No, we are going to go meet him somewhere baby, just get your shoes on." she sniffles as a silent tear rolls down her cheek and drops from her chin.