Abandoned... that was the story of my whole life... six homes, yes I said six in my first three years at this shithole. I hated it. Luckily at the age of seven, I escaped living in the streets and at the age of fourteen, I was recruited by shield for my alley cat skills.
Im Faida Borson... why is that so significant im the grandchild of odin, yes im bloody Hela! The, now deadish, daughter of Odin. You ask why deadish. Well me im the opposite of my mother, well kind of... I may or may not be rather short tempered. But im the Goddess of life, fucking life! Great. Abandond as a child and sent to Midguard or earth as you mortals now it as. Im a shield snipist, and no I don not use my powers, I have not used them since that... since the accident when I was twelve. Im 19 now. Yep. The best and the youngest sniper assasain.
And the only reason I call humans mortals or I hate my life is well, ive just been asked to date captain america, why you ask once again I need to find out what the avengers are doing?
What if Thor reconised me?
Or what if I fall in love with Iron Man... or Loki!
Or worse... what happens when you end up using your powers infront of the whole Avengers... oh... also on live TV.
(This is staged in Thor: Ragnarok! SPOILERS ALERT)
P:S I do not own the Marvel characters but the plot and Faida plus a few other characters are mine, and mine only.