"I'll wait for you." Tears streamed down Rowan's face as she watched him ready the horse, "I love you" she whispered, Warrick smiled and kissed her lips, laying a hand on her waist and pulling her close, "You're mine Rowan." his voice was soft but stern, safe, that monotone voice she'd grown to love. Rowan had dreaded today, but ever since the war killed her father she'd known he'd go too, everyone did, but he'd come back, he had to. A crisp whistle sounded, it was time, Warrick mounted his horse, well, hers, before looking down at her and smiling, "Don't forget this Rowan, goodbye." Rowan could only assume god gave him this composure, Rowan nodded and looked down, she heard Tarror, her horse trot away and fall in line, still she didn't look up, she didn't until he was far, far gone, "I'll wait for you."
Rowan didn't know it then, but by the time he'll come back everything will have changed.
After Freya's death Merlin thinks he'll never find love again. But he couldn't be more wrong. As Arthur tries to cheer up his manservant they both discover something. Something that can't happen between them, not with Uther as king. Will their love be more powerful than the fear they feel?
"We look each other in the eyes. I could drown in his blue eyes. I'm getting closer. My heart is racing. I feel warm. My eyes drops to his lips. I need to kiss him. I feel my stomach upside down. He's coming closer too. We're two inches distant. Slowly I place my lips on his. They're really soft and warm. We kiss. It's a gentle kiss. Our lips are synchronized. I grab his face with my hands, bringing him nearer. We keep kissing and when we move away a thought hits me. This can't happen. If my father finds it out, he will kill him. I don't want to hurt Merlin."
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin, it belongs to the BBC.