Our energizing, handpicked group of Middle East tours is an absolute necessity in case you're quick to explore this captivating locale. Being an Israel Holy Land Tour Operator it becomes our duty to guide you carefully for the tours to the Middle East let you encounter sacrosanct destinations and the world's marvels very close, from Jerusalem's religious points of interest to Jordan's lost city of Petra and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. En route, find Egypt's capital Cairo or clamoring Tel Aviv and Haifa in Israel, urban communities where history runs as an inseparable unit with cutting edge lifestyle. We will cooperate with you to schedule an unforgettable Bat/Bar Mitzvah visit in Israel! From picking the best service area for your family, interfacing you with a Rabbi, to masterminding an extraordinary voyage through Israel! The site of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah is an extremely exceptional choice. From The Western Wall, Massada, Israel Tennis Center, and Tzfat Bat Mitzvah Center, your alternatives are interminable! Contact Information: Ahalan Olympus Tours Web Site: www.ahalan.co.il/ POB 9289 Eilat, 8819102 Telephone: +972-8-6347022 Fax: +972-72-2446071 Email: kfir@ahalan.co.ilAll Rights Reserved