This is a smutty romance based on the Voltage otome game Star Crossed Myth. (If you are unfamiliar with it, the description can be found here: ) I have spent so much money on this game that it is shameful.
This story involves the gods that were introduced in the 1st season of the game (going L to R in the picture, 1st row) Scorpio: god of the Scorpio constellation, Leon: god of the Leo constellation, Teorus: god of the Taurus constellation, (L to R in the back row) Huedhaut: god of the Aquarius constellation, Dui: god of the Gemini constellation, and Ichthys: god of the Pisces constellation. Also making an appearance are The King, Zyglavis: the god of Libra, and Karno: the god of Cancer.
Rather than centering on the game's MC (a reincarnated goddess who I named Yukiri), this story takes a different direction. After erasing his sin, the game's MC has settled down with Leon. She has also erased the sins of Huedhaut and Icthys without becoming romantically involved with them. After the King calls all of the gods into his chambers, he has news for the still marked gods, Scorpio, Teorus, and Dui: there is another reincarnated goddess on Earth who can erase their sins. There is one catch; she's a cynic and no longer believes in love. So, essentially, the story becomes a reverse-harem, as the marked gods need to make her fall in love with them, and not the other way around.
Of course, there are more complications...
The first is that this reincarnated goddess is an American woman on vacation in Japan. Her name is Lexus, she's in her 30's, and is the complete opposite of the traditional sweet, naïve, subservient otome heroine. She's not taking any of the gods seriously.
The second is that her presence has an aphrodisiac effect on the gods... and the more they want her, the more she wants them, and this becomes troublesome in more ways than one.