So, what if I replaced Legolas with another character? Now, I know what you are thinking... "WHAT?! how can you have a Legolas fan fiction with no Legolas?!" Well, to put your mind to rest, yes, Legolas is going to be in this story. But, not how you would expect him to be. I guess you'll have to find out for yourself... Muahahahahahaha *insert evil laugh* anyways I hope you enjoy my fan fiction guys and if you you comment just keep it as hygienic as Legolas is compared to the rest of he fellowship. Thanks. ==========================================================================================================================================================================Evelyn is the daughter of Lady Galadriel and lord Celeborn. She has always been raise under the impression that there has been and always will be peace in middle earth. But, when a new threat catches the attention of Lady Galadriel and lord Celeborn, they decide that it is time Evelyn faces her destiny. She is sent to Rivendalle to attend the council and volunteers to assets the fellowship as the elf and professional archer. During her journey she discovers and learns many things; pain, loss betrayal, fear, trust, honor, hope, friendship, and even love. Will se be able to face her destiny and defeat the Dark lord Sauron? Who is following her? Will she survive on this mission... quest... thing?
As the fellowship of the ring starts, Sauron arrises. Little did any good know that Sauron had a daughter. Meldiriel, is the only daughter of Sauron. She was raised by her elvish mother, but when her mother died, Sauron took the girl. He raised her on what he believed is best for Middle Earth. Which was having him rule it. Meldiriel started to question her father as she got older. When he sends her places to bring darkness into the world, she meets an elf prince. They both had something for each other, but couldn't engage. They both fall in love. What will happen?
I hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote.