All credit goes to GHOST. The series is discontinued and has been since Case Two, so I'm just doing Case One (first three songs). I'll put the links to the songs in the first chapter. Also, just because I don't know if I'm dividing it into chapters or not, there is an abuse and suicide trigger warning in the beginning and end of the story, and spoilers to the songs' stories. When you watch the videos, the trigger warnings come in on ROTARY DIAL and HOUSEWIFE RADIO, which are songs one and three. Henry Elsner had a harder life than most kids his age in the 1920s. His father left before he was born, leaving his mother stricken with grief and anger, and she ends up taking it out on him. He never understood, and as soon as he could, he ran away with his childhood friend after marriage. So, how would his story end when his synesthesic wife was overcome with paranoia of him leaving her, too?