#60 in spiritual on 11/11/2017
#82 in spiritual on 03/11/2017
#84 in spiritual on 04/11/2017
she runs out!!!
she sees him
she shouts," This is my husband farooq ,LEAVE HIM ALONE."
PEOPLE began to weep
"farooq and suhayla embraced in love"
They're together,and they are telling stories to each other . They run inside ,now they're laughing,they're joking ,they're crying,, everything is coming out.
suhayla says, " Oh Farooq I'am so much older than when you left me,i was young , beautiful ,i dont look like that anymore."
and farooq says ," To me suhayla, you are the most beautiful woman in the world "
because he loves her PIETY and he is madly in love with her .
Suhayla says , " farooq, let me ask you a question"
S - " Did you go to the masjid"( she knows he did)
F - " yes,i did"
S - "Did you see anything there"
F - "yes i saw amazing scholars , the knowledge of the deen , the way it has been spread "
S - " Did you see anyone in particular"
F - " yes, one really stood out "
S - "what would you give to be that man?"
F - " I'll give everything to be that knowledgeable "
S - " Would you give 30,000 dinars for it ?"
F - " yes ,i would"
S - "What if that was your son ??"
F - " even more "
And she says , "that's your son , ABDUR RAHMAN "
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters.
i hope this reaches you in the best of health/Imaan
i thought i would share this heart touching story about suhayla and farooq ( u guys might be knowing about them but still i want to share this story with you all)
SUBHAN ALLAH , If we all could take a lesson from this story then our ummah would have been successful
I ask allah to guide us all ....Ameen!!!!!!!!
π Original Novel
___ By Umera Ahmed
Translation Of Peer-E-Kamil In English
Translated By Me, I Hope Everyone Likes It, Please Don't Mind The Mistakes
All Credit To Umera Ahmed
Publish:- 01/07/2024
Complete:- 31/10/2024