Leia Padme Skywalker was taken from the ship on the way to Alderaan, leaving no one alive.
Brought to the new Emperor Palpatine by her father, Darth Vader and trained in the Dark Side from this fate changing day Leia confronts Princess Ava Organa, daughter of Breha Organa, with the former Anakin Skywalker, when she is taken captive by the Empire, and has to see her secret brother and sister for the first time, going by Lady Ruby, and hearing this mysterious boy and girl is called Skywalker, pieces fall in and out of place, secrets are uncovered, and the line between dark and light is walked.
Vader is NOT burned in this story.
Almost right after rescuing Han from Jabba the Hut, Luke and Leia unwillingly embark on another adventure. The Force takes them back in time and they take the opportunity to get to know their parents and find out about the family they do not yet know they share.
Han Solo winds up in the past along with them. He becomes the calmness the twins need as they get more excited every day and especially once they become suspicious of the reason for the downfall of the Republic.