Synopsis:Leila Mae Kahalow is a 14 year old orphan who lives on the island of Oahu, Hawaii . Her mom died when she was young and her dad abandoned her after. She grew up in a girls orphanage, which was not that bad compared to other orphanages. The rooms were made so that they could feel more homey and they can decide how they want their area to look. The staff was kind, and they got good food. They also were enrolled in the local school, as well as lots of time, the curfew being 8:30 for girls her age. The house is next to a beach, which they all like to surf and swim in. It's also a Christian home, so the girls have strong faith in God, and love many Christian artists. All in all, it's a pretty good life. Leila and her best friend Mia have both been at the home for 11 years. Leila begins to wonder if anyone wants to adopt her. One day, it all changes when thee Joel And Moriah Smallbone come. They find a liking to Leila and adopt her. Now Leila moves all the way to Nashville Tennessee, a place completely different from her old home, and all her friends are thousands of miles away. Even though life changed drastically for Leila, one thing that hasn't changed is her love for God. With God, and loving and encouraging family by her side, Leila doesn't just survive, she thrives.