Hai lol im stealing this from kayalolz dont killl me plessss OK SO it was an original day in voofs server like always xdxddxdxdxdddddd but neon eyes got band from viola fleeeeeeeeeeeeee's server now neon ise died :33333333xdxdddddd neon ise wanted me to add xd and :3 ok bye lets get back into the story sheit neon eyes was screaming in virus flu's deescord seber BAN ME aftr gettieng shippad with floormat viola and neon ise got med because afroooooooooooulle92348230482047 didnt ben him so he started screaming like a mark version 7 BAN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE evryooone got med and aftr 620 yers he finellai gut bend by 6000000000000000000000000000000000000 and dieno but (i frogot haw meny 0 dont kell me ples) then snepple the rovlox gud started crying NEON EYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS afrule23-9282388888888832424 startd seying he actully meant it oMgggg thee end of the story i was bord and wantd to copie kaya n fros tea donut kill me ples asdaawfaqw3gqw3All Rights Reserved