'' bila kuat sangat kita genggam,
itu yang jadi titik kelemahan dalam diri.
Learn to let go, if it return,its your,
if it looked away,said that you'll be fine,
Because Allah have most beautiful destiny for you. ''
UNTUK YANG SATU-take place for broken heart
♡Cinta Itu Membebaskan,Jika Ia Kembali,Itulah Cinta Sejati♡
Content maybe not suitable for underage. Storyline from my fictions and creative brain not from copying other. Content may have violence, disturbing, strong language, disruption, wrong grammar, wrong english word and wrong spelling. Lastly, Content may be 18xs for adult reading which is 18 year old above.
Watak-watak dan tempat di dalam cerita ini adalah hasil kreatif penulis semata-mata. Tiada kena-mengena dengan yang hidup ataupun mati.
Mature Content! Not copying allowed!