"Well, just tell us everything, from the beginning till now," What should I tell you? I'm a regular girl who goes to a public high school. That takes the school bus to and from school. That has a cheap cell phone. That will attend college in the fall. That loves hanging out with her friends. Yup that's pretty much it, and oh yeah- I just happened to be dating Zayn Malik. Yes, the one from that world-famous boy band. Because yeah, that's pretty normal. "
Meet Pooja Parekh. Her life is anything but normal. Going on a University hunt in London, where she meets One Direction girlfriends, Danielle and Elenour. After spending a fabulous time, she has to go back to her home in the U.S. One month later, One Direction is touring in Philadelphia, Pooja's hometown. Danielle, Elenour, and Pooja are excited to be once again reunited. They have so much to tell each other and catch up, but what happens when Danielle and Elenour drop a bomb of their own? Will Pooja have a date with destiny, or will she have a rendezvous with hell?All Rights Reserved