Ariana Jane Sanders aka AJ, had it all, that is until she realized everything isn't as it seems.
Sometimes the truth is there, in big bold letters but we're just to blind to see it.
AJ now sad, lonely and broken she befriends the most unlikely ally, a biker.
Jaxton Adams aka Prez of the Chosen MC, sad and lonely.
Befriends a high schooler on a rainy day.
One chance encounter between two sad souls, leads to a little something called love. 😘
Told from AJ's POV.
A's Note:
When i'm sad or when I can't sleep I create characters, happy ones, ones I wish I could be like.
Because fiction is way better than real life.
So here's the story of Ariana Jane Sanders and Jaxton "Prez" Adams.
AJ & Jax. 💕
PS: I'm not a professional so there might be some grammatical errors..