let us start when one was a kid and the other a teen.. yes she the kid had a humongous crush on her cousin he was the typical trouble maker but he was smart and knew what to do, he was tough and she loved him. the teen always looked and thought why does she keep looking at me like that but never knew why as they get older they don't see each other or talk much when they lose contact and then she gets ahold of his mom her aunt, all she thinks about is seeing him again and she is 20 and living with her mother who forbids her from talking to her fathers side well she hears his voice and it sounds like her deceased fathers but just a little hint of his voice and she thinks oh if only. what happens when her mom wants to move further away and she says she's moving in with her aunt. will they fall in love? will they get caught? do they move in together? does she take her meds like she's supposed to? or does she smoke pot? does she get into trouble.. a lot?