Summary: Gaku Minamoto, a 17-year old high school boy, meets Kotone Ochida, a secret girl with mismatched eyes. No one has ever seen her face due to bandages hiding it. Kotone had an accident and is healed, but refuses to take the bandages off, and keeps her face hidden at all times. She has trust issues as a result of the accident, so, in order for her to take the bandages off, Gaku needs to gain her trust. While getting to know her, he falls in love, without even knowing what she looks like. Name pronunciations: Kotone (Koe-toe-nay) Ayumi (Ah-yoo-mee) Ochida (Ah-kih-duh) Gaku (Gah-koo) Kenji (Ken-jee) Minamoto (Mee-nah-moe-toe)