1: a cultivated plant of the brassicas family, an edible vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves. Can be eaten raw or cooked or pickled. Pickled cabbage is a traditional German recipe known as sauerkraut. 2: a person who leads a dull or inactive life. A sedentary lifestyle which can lead to various health problems such as obesity, heart issues, psychology distress and an increased risk in various cancers. 3: in business it refers to the left over material within the clothing industry ( commonly known as the rag trade ) which has been made into additional garments from the original designs. The quantity of extra garments produced from this extra material, supplied by the design house to the outdoor factories, is always about ten percent of the original order ( known as the docket ). Normally the extra is declared as wastage. And unless these garments are declared for, on the company's tax return, they will not officially exist. Any income from selling these garments will be mostly tax free. Or, at the very least, tax avoided. This practice has been going on since the Inland Revenue was invented. And the concept of Cabbage was invented specifically to avoid the Inland Revenue.