-"știi, azi când te priveam simțeam cum venele mi se dilată și tot sângele circula cu viteza luminii, prin tot corpul. mă vedeam lângă tine, acum ceva timp, când îmi prindeai privirea și îmi zâmbeai, așa ai făcut și azi... același om, aceiași ochii, același loc dar situaţie diferită, însă sentimente la fel.
nu înțeleg, după atâta timp, încă! încă mai existăm unul pentru celalalt, suntem acolo, suntem prezenţi. chiar de nu ne mai întâlnim noaptea prin pat.
te caut, te voi căuta mereu și mereu... în fiecare noapte, în fiecare zi! pentru că noi, nu trebuie să ne pierdem, nu în viaţa asta, și nici în cele ce vor urma.
voi avea grijă de tine, tot timpul. căci fericirea constă în lucruri mărunte. iar eu, mă mulțumesc cu faptul că azi... ai fost.
mă uitam după tine, și zâmbeam. pentru că tu ești și vei fii, sensul vieţii."
Viata Vanesei era incurcata de la bun inceput, dar ce se intampla cand apare dragostea in poveste? Va accepta oare Vanessa lucrul asta? Va accepta faptul ca el a aparut din nou? Isi va ierta trecutul si o va lua de la zero cu el? Sau il va ura si va trai toate viata intrebandu-se de ce ea?
"Why the fuck you let him touch you!!!"he growled while punching the wall behind me
'I am so scared right now what if he hit me like my father did to my mother or what if he tried to hurt me more then him or what if he-'
he cutted me
"Answer! why you let him touch you?"he said while taking heavy breath to try to control his anger
"H...he ju...just tucked m..my hair stands b...behind my ea...ear"I said while trying not to cry
he came closer very very close his hands were on wall and he bend lower to match my height. Right now his face is so close to mine that our breathes were mixing and I clutched my hands on my saree
"No! he didn't 'just' tucked you hair stands, that is too much he is not allowed to do that actually no one is allowed to that except me. no one is allowed to do this" he said and slid his hands on my bare waist I shivered
"no one is allowed to do this" he said and peck my neck I am feeling fire on my skin again
he came closer to my ear
"and he didn't just tucked you hair stands but he also touch your fingers for fucking whole 47 seconds" he said intentionally touching his lips on my ear
ISHIKA SHARMA (22y/o, 5'2height)
She was very talkative like people have to told her to shut her mouth, carefree, childish, had anger issues, and extrovert but this all she was
but now she talks so less, careful, mature, have trust issues and introvert
but why!?
he hate noise he don't talk much he try not to speak even if it's important,cold,rude and bossy
but a total different person with her but why?
Read this book to know the story of them atleast read 10 chapters then decide.
-Arrange Marriage
-Age gap
-grumpy x sunhine
-MML is obsessed with MFL with a capital 'O'