Sam Golbach, high school nerd, dork, whatever you want to call me. Also the sleep around boy. I've had my moments of regret, my moments of shine, my moments of guilt. But with this school, that's all you need to be known.
My history at this High School is something everyone knows about. It's on posters, flyers, blogs, even in the school's drama newsletter. But it gives me hell because it brings repeat customers.
You see, my job at my High School is to help give guys reasons to break up with their girlfriends. I'm known for being gay, I'm also the Bottom Boy.
But being the Bottom Boy isn't always the best, especially with a history of being a sex toy, or distraction toy. Isn't that what people call prostitutes? The only irony is that I'm way more expensive than a prostitute.
These boys all pay for the expenses by bringing me fame at this school. But sometimes, that isn't always the best either. After all, I'm The Bottom Boy.
George's simple life soon becomes terrifying as he becomes the primary victim of a cyber-stalking case and is left confused with hidden messages from the faceless painter, Dream.
In a tale where love is used as a weapon and trust is left hanging by a thread, George is left to wonder if he lost control of his actions and is now allowing his emotions to rule his life?