Mark and Rose's parents are now captives of the evil Master Morgins who lives in the second world. The second world is a world of magic and mystery while Earth is a place without. Mark and Rose along with their two best friends, Jack and Samantha, must find their parents and set them free before it is too late. One of the members however, bears a curse that could throw both worlds into total chaos. Nrxu vkdoo jr iruwk Four shall go forth Br wkh odqg ri ghvsdlu To the land of Despair Bkh plagfkdqjhu doo ehzduh The mindchanger all beware Kurzqv wrjhwkhu vkdoo suhydlo Crowns together shall prevail Bkh fxuvh ri wkh iodzhg The Curse of the Flawed Qv qhdu dw kdqg Is near at handAll Rights Reserved