Short stories are great because -
1. Nothing needs to make sense: there is no intricate plot line that requires a great deal of planning about why a character does this or acts that way.
2. Things just are: there need not be an elaborate background with every bit of the past thought out. Short stories exist in the present. You can throw characters into a situation without worrying too much about what was going on before.
3. They're short: a lack of detailed planning is sometimes refreshing. Sometimes, the reckless throwing together of people and situations is nice in representing the spontaneity of life.
4. Anything can happen: your characters can be in the middle of a quest for the golden diamond in the tropics of East Asia, but it won't matter, because from the point you start writing to the point you stop - a few pages later - an infinity of things might have happened, regardless of the physical capabilities of real humans.
But I suppose that just applies to writing in general, right?
This is a collection of my short stories, but don't expect regular updates! Sometimes, my writing is bone dry, and other times I'm spewing out these little stories like it's nobodies business!
So, Enjoy!
An OhmNanon Short Story
Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. As the clock ticks... the day moves on... And it's always at least once in a day when the ticking stops and the clock says... It's time to fall in love.
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