It's been 2 years since the border had hit us. During those 2 years, Me and Trey broke up, Maddie lost her parents, and my first ever best friend...Committed Suicide because he wanted to be with his brother. It's been so long since the border had gone closer to us. There were a couple of shakes this and there, but no border getting close. See, if you don't know, The border is like a HUGE wall that produces some-like zombies. It makes the zombie out of eating the ground. This wall reproduces about 324 million zombies a minute. So, that would mean we, us kids, have to have our guard up at every second. This started 6 years ago, When me and Trey started dating, Maddie still had her parents, and my first ever best friend was still alive. See, we were in class by that time, and in my school we have desks, and our desks have names. My desk name was, Marinette, Trey's was, Alabama, Maddie's was, Gumball, and my first ever best friend, his name was Blake, and his desk was named, Girls. The way we got those names were on the first day Ms. Nicks told us to go up and pick up a card and that would be your desk name for the semester, and when Blake got his I. WAS. DYING OF LAUGHTER!! Anyways, The start of the new year, the semester was almost ending. While we were learning, a huge crash happened, and I couldn't really tell cause of the huge crash noise, but I'm 100% sure I heard my teacher screaming.
This Story is Based on My dreams