Have you ever felt so alone, so absolutely full of misery and despair, that you wanted to die? Well that's how I feel. Every. Single. Day.
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As I looked back at how I came to be there, I almost felt bad. There I was, about to throw away those beautiful memories that I had worked so hard to create. They were all going to disappear into nothingness when I was gone, no one would get to see or relive them.
Once upon a time, we were all alone and in silent pain. We didn't realize that there was something greater than this world that connected us. And when we finally did meet, we denied that we were drawn to each other. All young, all broken, all scared. This past year had been the best of my life, probably the best I would ever have, if I chose to live.
With my feet planted on the creaking wood, I looked up to remember us once more, and jumped into the abyss that would whisk me away forever.
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Fourteen (almost fifteen) year old Emma Nolan has terrible anxiety, and the result of that was a severe case of anorexia nervosa. It's a very difficult thing to go through, and her family doesn't really understand how to help her. A suicide attempt was the last straw for her parents, and they decided to move the family to a town in Maine that had resources that may be able to "fix" Emma, only Emma didn't know that.
As Emma experiences life at a new school, in a new town, with new people, she tries to keep her anxiety levels down, but they flare up even more than they did before. Her parents tell her there is a specialist that can help her. What she didn't know about that, was that it was group therapy.
The last thing Emma wants is to be going to therapy with a group of misfits, but if it will distract her from the misery and judgement of her every day life, so be it.
"When people who have trust issues fall in love it's scary. The people they fall for fill up that hole in their life that was left by someone who caused them to have trust issues. The person starts to fill whole and happy; like this person is the one. But when that one person leaves,the one who made them invincible,they're crushed. The persons life gets worse and they fall deeper and deeper into that hole. The hole of what used to be."
Kira Green is one that never wanted to fall in love. She planned on being alone and pushed everyone who loved her away. She gets bullied relentlessly even though she tries her hardest not to be seen. But in our society,the more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed. When Logan Williams came bursting into her life like he did, she didn't know what to think of this charming boy. He was different than the rest of the world. For the first time, a person wanted to know about the scars on Kira's heart than the ones on her wrists.
She doesn't trust him at all. She wants absolutely nothing to do with Logan,but somehow he finds a way to meddle his way into her life. And when he figures out more about Kira,he's more than shocked. He doesn't see a girl who hates the entire world ,but hates herself even more. He doesn't see a fat, ugly, whore when gazing into her eyes. He sees a girl who's been wronged by the world left and right. He sees a girl who cares music more than she cares about her own life. He sees a person who needs love.
But not everyone who you try to save ends up being saved in the end. Sometimes it's just too late. As Kira always says ,"Happily ever after was so once upon a time."
This book does not promote self harm or suicide. And it also doesn't romanticize it. It simply is a story about two broken people on a quest to fix one another and mange to somehow fall in love with each other along the way.