Ever wonder why parents take one look at a child and give them weird names well news flash if you are bearing Honey, Chandelier or Bob be happy cause my parents named me Sirena. I just hate being called a Siren I could complain all day about that and not tell you about my self. Hi, again I am Sirena Fox I used to live in the big city New York before we moved somewhere on the map, now I live in Greenpeace town where people that should be featured in the werewolf/vampire war live in. The boys in my school are handsome jerks or most are this is the highest populated high school jerk level and the girls are more quiet and tomboyish rather than tomato Barbie . If it couldn't get weirder I am the new girl and not one person as said a word to me me I say I am as friendly as............ I have no words oh well wish me luck diary that I shouldn't be writing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ S.All Rights Reserved