God of Mischief; the Trickster; son of Laufey - Loki. As if the son of a Frost Giant would care for someone he was forced to grow up with... but when time is of the essence and Ragnarok begins to strip away the only home he's ever known, what happens then?
This is my first short story/fanfiction written on this account! It's sorta trashy because it's a first, but I hope whoever reads enjoys!
- This is based on the most recent Thor movie 'Thor: Ragnarok', so SPOILER ALERT!
- This is following a very similar storyline to the actual movie, only Thor doesn't make it out successfully from his fight with Hela. Since Thor is my favourite Marvel hero ever, this was very hard to write... ;w;
- This will have separate chapters, but only about 2-3 chapters as it is a short fanfiction. ^w^
- This will take a little time to write as I have a lot of school business, but I should publish the chapters not too far apart!
- The title is lame, I know. I would change it, but I already made the cover and I don't think I have enough time to make another.. >w<
I hope you enjoy my mini fanfiction! Since it's my first one, it's not very promising lolol, so I'm so sorry if it sucks! Enjoy! :D
P.S. If anyone is wondering whether I ship Thorkyrie or Lokyrie, I ship Lokyrie. <3