Doctor:"Once upon a time, there was this man who stole a time machine..."
Emma:"A girl who was born from the product of love between Snow White and Prince Charming..."
Eleven:"A girl escaping a bad place..."
Doctor:"Up and down history he goes, zip zip zip zip zip, getting into scrapes."
Emma:"They both decided to give their daughter away so she can survive from a terrible curse, and be the one who destroy it."
Eleven:"Meet some friends who was looking for a friend that was in a very dark place."
Doctor:"But no matter what, he always tried to do the right thing. But... things happened and then the old time traveller was alone."
Emma:"But for her, she didn't know anything. She was just a baby and thought she was unloved for so long."
Eleven:"I helped find their friend, but I had to sacrifice myself and hide for a while."
Doctor:"And after a long time, after some ups and downs, he finally found peace with a brand new friend that he can travel with."
Emma:"But in the end, she find her parents and for once, after a long time, actually feel loved."
Eleven:"And eventually, she came out of hiding and saved her friends and her... 'boyfriend'?"
Emma:"And things are finally good..."
Doctor:"Perhaps too good. Nothing in life should be this good. Life is not a fairy tale, there's no real happy endings. So why is this one acting like one? There's something coming. Whatever it is, whatever we need to face, whatever happens here and now..."
Doctor, Emma, and Eleven:"We'll be ready."
Original: 2017 - 2018
Remastered: 2019
Remake: July 22 2024 - ???
I won. I won the family wizard competition all for nothing. Justins in the wizard world, he took over for Professor Crumbs. Max still runs the sub station with mom and dad. Harper married Zeke. She's got a family of her own now. Mason's left me for Juliet. I moved to London, to get over Mason. I feel like there's nothing left on this planet for me anymore, but that changed when I met the Doctor. He took me away in his magical blue box, helping me forget about all the pain that's taking over my body.
*So a lot of inappropriate things happen... Don't read this if you're gonna complain about it. Don't judge the book name. Just a phrase that is used quite a lot in this book. Don't worry the Doctor yells at Alex for her language.*
Started- November 28, 2019
Completed-January 25, 2020
Ranks: #33 in Doctor Who
#7 in Ninth Doctor
#3 in time lords
#2 in bad wolf
#1 Whovian