Covenant Right Series (Books 1 - 4) is a collection of four books about God's will for you: 1. Divine Immunity 2. Divine Remembrance Your Divine Decoration 3. Unlocking God's Divine Favor 4. Divine Separations (7 Abrahamic Covenant Promises) You are Untouchable because you have the hedge of fire around you.You are "Uncurseable" because you are a partaker of divine nature.You are a Covenant Child so you have Divine Access.This collection is your divine covenant rights that God ordained for your success. You must access them. Know your God given covenant rights and promises. It will help you excel in your daily endeavors and life. Stop living according to or under the circumstances.You have divine Immunity You were born to live above the circumstances of life. Breaking divine protocol has grievous consequences! The seal marks you out as royalty determines how you carry yourself. We are not only saved but safe.Not only insured but assured. Not only helped but are helpers.May your book of memorable deeds open up your book of remembrance in the presence of God.Divine favor may not come by merit but by mercy of God, for mercy will always triumph over judgment. Divine favor certifies the non certified, qualifies the unqualified, elevates the down trodden, celebrates the decorated and multiplies the widow's offerings. Get a copy today and get as gifts for your friends too.