I wasn’t always in this hellhole. I only came here after I had terrorized many people. I regret every single moment of it, including the torture I put my family through when they figured out what I had done. But that can’t change the fact that I’m a monster. People have tried making friends with me; to put it simple it never worked more than a small ally did.
I hear voices at night, talking off to the side, or whispering unearthly things in my ear. It doesn’t matter what they do, they’ll never get me to understand, and they can’t change the things that I did. Come to think of it, I don’t even remember why or how I did such horrible things to my victims, I used to be so different before all this. I guess people change.
Those voices, they don’t sound human. They sound like Demons that had to crawl through someone’s grave in order to get where they are now. They sound like Demons that know that they did terrible things, but know for a fact that they have no regrets. They express it in fact, that they don’t have regrets, that they are proud of the terrible things that they did. You can hear it as clear as day when they speak.
I made an even worse mistake than what I did to those people one night in Saint. Patrick Insane Asylum. I confronted the wretched Demons whispering in my ear at night time keeping me from sleeping, or….. at least……..tried to.