There are numbers of verses in the Qur'an which relates to marriage directly or indirectly. The goals at which married couple needs in a marriage are rightly listed for an ideal marriage. Though it can be difficult for some to practice, try it and insha Allah you shall have a bliss of marriage. In suratul Rum verse 21,Allah says " And among His signs are that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may calm unto them and He placed between you affection and compassion surely in that are signs of those who reflect". The goals of marriage are: Pleasure: Naturally, men are inclined towards women and vice versa.Allah says "The love of the desire for women, sons--- has been made attractive to people"Q:3 Al imran 14. The prophet peace be upon him said" for those who like each other, nothing has proven as good as marriage" (ibn majah). Preservation of iman(faith):marriage is a good protection against shaytan's whispers and seduction.