It's 2001 in Wilmette, Illinois and (soul punk looking tera) Patrick Stump, and (save rock and roll looking era) Pete Wentz officially meet in the hallway of their high school. Patrick's comfortable with his status as the Pariah no one knows exists basically, and who no one talks to. Pete's the kid who most kids hate, or bully. He's got the soul of a poet, and is starting a band, which Patrick wants no part of, he does NOT want to be the center of anyone's attention. Patrick's got a voice like gold, and Pete got the writing to find a way to make this story truly unfold, in a school full of hate, maybe Pete and Patrick will find a way to make the sunset, and rise for each other, every day.p
Credit goes to my very good friend @84prettyinpunk79 she helped so much with this and for that I thank you