"Terribly sorry." The man uttered shortly. Not in a mean way, just a rushed manner. As he ran off, (Y/N) brushed herself off and looked down, noticing a leather bound book and a golden pocket watch laying on the ground. "Wait! Sir, you've dropped something! Sir!" (Y/N) called after him, but to no avail. Just great. She'd have to try and find him now. --- (Y/N), a muggle born Hufflepuff, is looking for a better job than the one she had in Diagon Alley. So, she came to the Ministry of Magic. She heard there had been an opening in the Beast Division of the ministry as someone's assistant. Some guy named Salamander, she believed. As she was walking and admiring the extravagance of the Ministry, someone bumped into her as she walked. He quickly apologized, not even looking at her or realizing he dropped a few items. Now she has to find this mysterious man with the suitcase. But what happens when she finally meets him and realizes he's supposed to be the person she's the assistant of? [Started: November 19th, 2017] [Finished: ]All Rights Reserved