The HOURGLASS is a rare object that will not be able to sell or see at the store anytime. It's antique that will gonna treasure by few people and sell it by so many because its made from the past and have an unusual design. What if it will became a necklace? A pendant or jewellery and/or accessory? Do you dare to buy it? Do you want to bid for it? The beginning is the End and the End was JUST the beginning... "I broke it, and made the sandcastle out of time, let's have an adventure." -Henderson "If you were given a chance to rewind some important event in your life what it is and why?" -Henderson ""if---if I'm given a chance to rewind an important event in my life, it is when the day when tragic started. The day when I lost my memory..." -Aushie "if I could bring back the day, I promise! I won't let anybody get hurt" R E M E M B E R! : when the promise will break, the curse will occur in both parties, and the hourglass will flip to another side and the sand will begin to fall to the bottom and days and past where going to repeat again. PRECIS: She walk up and loses her memories. He barrow the necklace and something came up. She's looking for her identity. He never know behind the tragic story and looking to find the answers Two bus collides because of the motorcycle that intersect them. They met and helping each other what's behind the Hourglass chain.
23 parts