Yet, Houston's church is not built on repentant believers in Christ with Christ and his Word as the chief cornerstone, it's centered around the "whosoever wills" that submit to his "vision." This is evidenced in the fact that one of his campuses had two unrepentant sodomites, with open plans for a homosexual marriage, as active, participating members of the church. Hillsong, through it's attractive music, that has a form of godliness but denies His power (2 Tim 3:5), creeps it's way into solid churches, deceptively turning people on to their ideology, drawing people to their "vision"-Brian Houston's "vision." A wide-ranging variety of music, some that may seem very solid theologically on the surface (even Satan masquerades as an angel of light, 2 Cor 11:14), and some that's blatantly shallow and even unbiblical, is the effective method of takeover. It's deceptive, and it's evil (Mark 13:22).
π Original Novel
___ By Umera Ahmed
Translation Of Peer-E-Kamil In English
Translate By Me, Hope You Guy's Like It
Please Ignore Mistakes
All Credit To Umera Ahmed
Publish:- 01/07/2024
Complete:- 31/10/2024