Follow the story of aristocrat Alice Edwards and her party of fellow hunters in 1920's London. An upper middle class lifestyle has made Alice a closeted snob yet she makes great attempts to ignore these prejudices. Being from a highly educated society, history is an extreme passion. Her love of books, legacies and scriptures of times that have come to pass led to great admiration of the famous hunter, Gherman, thus encouraging the life of a hunter. Although gritty and dark, Alice Edwards puts an educational spin on the horrific virus that infects the grand city of London (and the rest). This outlook has made the task of trivializing the disease much easier and therefore she cannot allow her fear or anger to take control ("anger makes you stupid, and stupid gets you killed") most of the time anyway. Her unwillingness to connect with others (due to her "from birth" emotional separation from her parents) has been incredibly handy in her harsh killings. Even though Alice has a masters in History from the Queen Mary University, she would never change her occupation from hunting which confuses many who discover her personal life. Alice does not care. Handling weapons has never been an issue: her societal status has the particular advantage of learning about these weapons. And riding. Her loyal horse, Traveller (named after Traveller who was Confederate General Robert E. Lee's most famous horse during the American Civil War)has been in Alice's life some years and is possibly the only living being that she has a bond with so far. Other than her estranged brother- Christopher who regrettable resents Alice. This story is based on mine and my party's experience with a fun horror table top game based on the D20 system. I hope you enjoy :DAll Rights Reserved