Axel Noah Harrison, an average Omega from a wealthy family. Ever since, his parents died, he and his twin sister, Lorraine Camelia Harrison, had been adopted by their homosexual uncle and his husband.
Over the years, Axel's shy attitude had been worsening, causing Lorraine to worry for his health and happiness. So, as his acting Alpha, she decided to help him. Searching far and wide for a way, she comes across a page that is selling Alphas. But the only problem was, the Alpha that came to their house was clueless and emotionless, and looked like an Alpha in every way, except most Alphas had almost a superior air around them while Alpha had none.
Nether less, Axel was rather curios about the Alpha his twin brought.
This, my friends, is the story between an shy Omega and an emotionless Alpha.