The daughter of Katniss and Peeta Mellark is growing up. Katniss and Annie are both dead. They died trying to protect Ivy as a few month old baby. Annie is Ivy's dead godmother, Katniss ... well she's Ivy's mother, and Ivy is starting to have questions, that her father Peeta has a hard time to answer, but with help from his best friend and Ivy's godfather, it gets easier. Ivy has a hard time without her mother, she wonders what it would be like, if she was alive, if she was there with her. But Ivy is going to have to grow up without a mother, or will she? Ivy is now eight years old, and this is her story...
It's been several years since the rebellion has ended and Katniss & Peeta are married.
Katniss can't sleep one night when she hears Peeta talking in his sleep. At first she is frightened; afraid that he is having a nightmare. When he smiles, she realizes he is having a good dream. But what is he dreaming about?
A baby? Their baby?
That's when she gets nervous. The thought of having children terrifies Katniss, for many reasons.
This book will follow the Mellarks and their growing family.