"This is a story based off of the Disney movie Wreck it Ralph, it takes place in the land of Sugar Rush which is based off of some arcade game, and it is centered around Venellope a little girl that is nine years old, and happens to be a princess, and a go kart racer, and because of fate she was kicked out her Castle making her homeless, But anyways aside from that she was also given a disability called pixlexia, and became a wanted criminal/ vigilante, which is why she gets bullied by Taffyta, and a two other girls named Candle-head, and Rancis who are around the same age, and act like little snot nosed brats and is why she lives in a secret cave. That turns out to be the area/ place the bonus level to the game is located." "so this story includes wedgies." "This story is about events Venellope's life that happened before she met Wreck it Ralph, Felix Jr, and Calhoun/ before the movie ever took place." "This is a short story about fanfiction."