"Hi, my name is Sophie and I have this huge crush on this guy at my school. His name is Zach and he can sing! Which most guys cannot do, that's what I like about him. He's unique and different from all the other teenagers who are too afraid to express their true dreams and realities." Of course, they might go through some trouble along the way..
Might get into some fights, sicknesses, and heart break but through thick and thin, they always end up in each other's arms. "I'm so glad to call you mine!"
"And I'm glad to call you baby!"
"I love you!"
"I love you too.. baby!"
Thanks for Listening...
mwah 💋
P.S.-this is my favorite emoji-🤣!! Never waist time, because no one can ever get it back, unless you use it wisely..
Just a word of wisdom from yours truly.. BYE!