Forth was seven when he learned of the secrets the flowers hold; Beam was also seven when he came to detest them.
And yet, despite of their differences, a budding romance doesn't seem far-fetched.
Author's Note(s):
Hello everyone~ This fanfiction is based from the amazing chiffon_cake's novel 2 moons as well as the adapted drama series, all the wonderful characters are rightfully hers. (Thank you for creating them!)
This story is set in a slightly alternate universe where Forth is the son of a famous florist/wedding planner. (I do not know the characters' exact familial backgrounds as I mostly depended on the drama series for information) Forth and Beam will be the main characters but my second favorite engineer, Ming, along with his precious Kit(kat) will appear often; expect some Phana and Wayo on the side of course.
This is my very first work in this fandom (and also this site), I am writing this as dedication to all the lovely ForthBeam fans out there. English is not my first language, so I apologize for any future mistakes.
(All due credits to the owner of the image used on the cover as well as any future images that will appear on this story)
I hope you would all enjoy it, Thank you! xx
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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