"Jennessa, if I want you to raise our children, don't forget about them, if I die, I want you to at least to try to move on, don't be afraid to, Jennessa, just remember, I love you,"
Jennessa and Allen fell in love a long a time ago. Jennessa is 7 months into pregnancy when they find out that Allen must leave because he was called to join the army. Jennessa is left to raise the twins that she is pregnant with. She is afraid that neither her, or Allen, will survive to see their children grow up. She writes a book, this book, about how they fell in love, got married, how Allen left for the Army to fight in the war, how she handles all of this, and if they get their happy ever after. She writes this book so her children won't have to wonder every night why they don't have parents, like she had to when she was younger. She writes about their endless love and misery.