Welcome to GGO. A game where shoot and loot, combine with MMORPG. Here, anyome who can use a gun can play the game. As an added bonus? Ya can earn money in the real-world.
Now, enter Lonny. A player who never logs out, Never shuts his mouth, never been in a B.o.B tournament, always picks a fight, and most importantly, never misses.
He is a sniper. And a decent one at that.
His skills are known as only one thing, The Rouge.
He is ruthless, violent, hateful, and pissed off 95% of the time.
He kills then vanishes. Taking top dollar for anyone who wants someone dead.
His current job though? Is working with another mercenary group to track down a subject from his past. His skills are to be tested left and right, his emotions played. And his memories of life before G.G.O brought back.
Who was he?