Meiko Sakine is an "average" 16 year old girl. She lives with her friends Rin Kagamine, Len Kagamine, Miku Hatsune, and Oliver, Elodee, Via, and Lapis Aoki.. You might think this story will be all Oh happy-go-lucky Vocaloid book! Your wrong, sorry.. This story has many conflicts and many downfalls. Don't be sad if you are, there are lots of happy parts! I wouldn't want to spoil anything for you though!
The Vocaloid book I will be writing here is going to be based on this role play I have made with wonderful people in it.
If you would like to join, go ahead!
The roleplay is on an Amino server called "Vocaloid Amino".
The Roleplay itself is called "Vocaloid Rp! :D"! Amazingly, it's in the "what's trending" column for chats!
Want to ask me questions? See my behind the scenes? Even see my upcoming story sneak peeks?
Here you can request for a chapter read request as well as critique. There's even something better-talking to me about anything you want!