Once upon a time, fate matched a girl with another boy...
If only their tale was just that simple...
In the midst of a chaotic dispute between two rivaling werewolf packs, the pretty daughter of Ivory Madera Pack's Alpha, Juliet De Le Rossi is curled up in bed with the curtains drawn in, accompanied by a cup on tea and a mystery novel while she tweets something trivial after the swift turn of a page.
Over the stretched forest that separates the Bistre Marjos from the opposing pack, the handsome son of the Bistre Marjo's Alpha, Nate Darkwood is back at the newly refurbished gym, defining his torso or admiring his chiselled and smouldering reflection.
Any stranger, including Patrick Star, can see that the duo are simply not compatible, yet fate paired them two together and cursed them to experience unconditional love to someone out of their reach till death do them apart. Though, as danger, mystery and magic lurk in every corner, waiting to pounce, it seems like death is closer than it was ever before.
Now that, my friend, is the fault in their fate.
[[ status; ongoing series. ]]
A genetically unique but emotionally lost teenager must figure out who she is within her mixed-up, warring world of Shifters and Wolfstalkers.
It wasn't Maddie's choice to be born a half-breed, half Shifter, half Wolfstalker -- a hunter of Shifters -- and it wasn't her choice to keep her identity a secret. But after trying to attend high school like any normal sixteen-year-old, things quickly spiral south when her Stalker uncle finds out about her and catapults her out of anonymity and into the awareness--or possibly the crosshairs--of The Order of the Wolfstalker. Maddie must think fast and figure out a way to keep herself and her family safe, or risk losing everything. Including her life.
[[word count: 70,000-80,000 words]]