"Chosen" is 1 of a 3 book series encompassing the world of Lymbodia and 13 unique individuals that possess abilities when they come in contact with their own unique diamonds. This is the prologue to an already existing story started by the user brysonperry entitled "The Chosen Ones" Jake didn't know what he was getting into when he fell in love with the mysterious ,charismatic girl Olivia. Bound by an unsurprising curiosity the two set out to find a mystical diamond that holds the power to unlocking ones self. Little do they know the the evil king Kurog has also heard of such diamond and will stop at nothing to acquire it and become immortal and rule all of Lymbodia with an iron fist. Perils lurk around every corner. If you like fantasy, magic and intriguing mystery look no further, this is the book for you. We hope you enjoy the series. The stories are a work in progress and released a chapter at a time. Please let us know what you think.All Rights Reserved