In Jacksville Highschool. There are five crazy friends who stand out from the rest, Megan, Andrea, Camila, Sara, and Mel. They each have there own flaws, but that's ok, since they have each other what else do they need? Well, lots of drama, action and a whole year of school .( a lot of crazy shit) camila : the bitch you do not want to fuck with she will beat your ass in 2.2 seconds( emo guy likes her) andrea : the tomboy sister of camila .the crazy girl she can kill u if you say something about her friends or family (the punk badass drug dealer likes her ) best friends with meygan meygan: the crazy latian .the one that yells in spainsh and English and will back hand u or bitch slap u .all she has to do is yell and andrea comes running to help her fight a bitch .( the badass Boy with a motocycle also in a gang) sara : the emo girl . was friends with meygan at first but then meets the group and becomes best friends with everyone .u dont want to get in a fight with her she will and i say will pull out a knife on u . ( the jock likes her and when i say jock i mean jock. he works out all the time like meygans but plays for the football team) mel: quite and shy with other people but when she is with her friends she is the funnys person u will ever meet . she can take a hit or a slap .( the shy flirtatious boy likes her ) like cat noirAll Rights Reserved