Alex is a open gay, ( To most. ) And she has her eyes set on the beautiful, popular, Samantha Douglas. You'd think she'd have no shoot, right? I mean, Alex is almost the complete opposite, Yes, she is beautiful but she is far from popular. But it's okay because that's how she like's it. Alex doesn't want to be the center of attention. The worst part of It all, add in 2 sets of homophobic parents and what do you get? A pair of runaways who run for what they believe in, their love, and their freedom. To not be tied down by rules. But will they be able to when Derek, Samantha's controlling, alcoholic boyfriend finds out of their secret love? Theirs only 2 choices, Run and don't look back or, stay and face the consequences. This is not a edited story. ( Yet )
4 parts