This story begins with an unknown past, of six friends, named Denis, Sketch, Alex, Corl, Sub, and Ethan. They lived normal lives, visiting each other all the time, even though they lived far away from each other. Sub, Sketch, and his twin brother Ethan lived in America, while Alex, Corl, and Denis lived together in Canada. While they all went to see eachother in Canada, a scientist created a substance, special WaTeR, anyone who drank it would become powerful, and evil...
With the pains getting worse, the debt looming over her and the consequences sinking in, Y/N sees no other option than to blindly join the game.They seemed fine at first.
Until the first gunshot rung out.
With players continually voting to stay, Y/N seeks safety with a previous winner and his group. Including player 001.
TW -
Sensitive topics
Smut (OPTIONAL to read it)