Follow the journey of Uzumaki Naruto who is actually named Uzumaki Kinako. Uzumaki kinako is under cover for a mission, to look over the progress and protect the genin teams 7,8,10 and 9. For that he enter the academy again for the genin exam when he is already chunin. Note: Uzumaki became genin when 5 and then through hard work became chunin. He did not go to academy but went to a course for prodigy's under the hokage. This Organisation work only for the hokage and can be joined after the prodigy course and became genin. missons for this organisation will be different and the genin's does not need to do D rank mission and will begin with C rank mission. Kinako will go under the code name Naruto to look over who will become genin. Kinako will have to act like a idiot deadlast to make sure no one will be suspicious of him and to be in team of Uchina Sasuke because sasuke connection is loose he has to make sure he dosen't leave. Kinako will also have 4 other friends with him. Kinako will not be over power because it is just boring to not watch your main charcter struggle. Kinako will be the jinchuuriki of nine tail's and be the son of the fourth hokage still. more information inside.