You stay up late at night, trying desperately to find that one story. The one story that will make you swoon, and squeal and cheer and cry, maybe all at once. You find story after story with the same plot and wonder if you're ever going to find a decent story again.
And then you find it, a gem amongst rocks. That one story that shines out above the others. The one story that you fall in love with. The one story that you wish you'd found sooner.
But sometimes you don't have to do that. Sometimes, you come across some kind soul (Points), who has fallen in love with so many stories that they have to share them with the rest of the world. Or, er, Wattpad.
Here, I will share (in my opinion), the best stories on Wattpad. Each of these stories contain the thrilling vibrancy that you so crave. Some are sad, some hopelessly sappy. But all in all, they are all beautiful in their own way!
If you love books. And finding books, then you'll be right at home!
Esta historia está echa por el ship del jugador 001 y 456
Sumiso: jugador 456
Dominante: jugador 001
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