Being a single young woman, who's never fallen in love or has yet to be in a relationship, I really do think it's self-inflicted!
Honestly, it's not that I can't 'get' a man, rather I just don't want one...not for now anyways. (Nah, that's not at all what I tell myself so that I "can sleep at night,") I have insomnia. But nice try...When the possibility does come up, I push them away or think of reasons for why I shouldn't go through with it. It's not you, boys, believe me, it's me and I know it.
And obviously, I have an eye out for possible candidates, which girl doesn't?! Though I'm too shy to ever confront you about it, --especially if I don't know you,-- I can assure you that I will admire or judge you, lowkey and from a distance.
From where I'm seated, you'll never ever know that me, the shy, innocent girl reading her book, the studious one working on her laptop, is scrutinizing you with every ounce of her being.
Where will you fall? And where do you agree with me? These are the hits and misses, the dos and don'ts, the yays and nays, the pass or smashes, in my book (literally).
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